

Real-time systems for autonomous driving
Supervisor: Prof. M. Bertogna – Department of Physical, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia

Artificial intelligence and computer vision for smart cities and automotive
Supervisor: Prof.ssa R. Cucchiara – “Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia

Automotive cybersecurity
Supervisor: Prof. M. Marchetti – “Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia

Human machine interaction: UX
Supervisor: Prof. G. Mincolelli – Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara

Human machine interaction: user experience tools
Supervisor: Prof.ssa M. Peruzzini – “Enzo Ferrari” Department of Engineering at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia

Human machine interaction: Psychology
Supervisor: Prof.ssa C. Iani – Department of Communication and Economics at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia

Law, insurance and ethics for autonomous driving
Supervisor: Prof. S. Scagliarini – “Marco Biagi” Department of Economics at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia

Economics for autonomous driving
Supervisor: Prof. G. Marchi – “Marco Biagi” Department of Economics at the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia


Smart City, ICT-connectivity, data and urban infrastructure, urban innovation and digital culture
Supervisor: Eng. Luca Chiantore – Electronic, Communication and Smart City Projects Service of Modena City Council

Mobility, local public transport, traffic
Mobility, local public transport and traffic are the responsibility of the ‘Servizio Mobilità e Traffico’

Public works, urban and extra-urban networks and infrastructures are the responsibility of the ‘Settore Lavori pubblici, mobilità e manutenzione urbana’.

Economic activities, open-innovation, promotion of the city and of the territory and tourism are responsibility of the ‘Settore Economia, promozione della Città e servizi demografici – Servizio Promozione della città e turismo’

Road safety and urban safety are the responsibility of the ‘Settore Polizia Municipale e Politiche della Legalità e delle Sicurezze’

Environmental protection and energy saving are responsibility of ‘Settore Ambiente, protezione civile, patrimonio e sicurezza del territorio’
